Closed Circuit Cooling Tower

1. BTC-S Series Closed Circuit Cooling Tower

BTC-S Series Products Special:
1. Advanced heat exchange principles and proprietaty intellectual property rights
2. High efficiency, energy saving and enveronmental protection
3. Compact shape, easy instalation
4. Reliable, simple Operation and Maintenance
5. Strong anti-corrosion ability, long service life
6. High cleanliness to guarantee processing liquid not be polluted
7. Reduce the possibility of scaling and increase the system efficiency to the maximum extent
8. Ensure reliable and efficient operation throughtout the year
9. Reduce maintenance costs
10. Reduce enegy costs

The cooling wate is pumped to the nozzle above the condensing coil and sprayed evenly on the outer surface of the coil, forming a very thin water film. After the axial fan induced air, air from the top of the coil and the side of the fills fo into the equipment inside promote to lower water evaporation temperature and water film evaporation, strengthen the heat release of the coil. The high-temperature wate enters from the upper of coils, and flows out from the lower of coils after cooled by the outside water.

A small portion of the water is evaporated which removes the heat. The warm moist air is drawn sidewise also by the fan and is discharged to the atmosphere. The remaining water is cooled again by passing the PVC fills, then falls to the sump at the bottom of the unit where it is recirculated by the pump up through the water distribution system and back down over the coils.

2. BTC-N Series Closed Circuit Cooling Tower

Main Application:
1. Air conditioning system water source heat pump system computer-room air conditioning system. Auxiliary cooling system
2. Industrial Manufacturing Transformer water jacket cooling tranformer cooling. Injection molding mchine mold cooling. Generator jacket cooling data processing center cooling. CNC machining centner, etc.
3. Matellurgy, steel and casting. Mill cooling. Inducttion furmace cooling. Quench tank cooling. Casting process cooling.
4. Fluid cooling. Compessor cooling. Reactor jacket cooling. Plating solution cooling. A single cooling unit provedes contralized cooling for a variety of fluids.
5. Industrial circulating water cooling device.

The cooling water is pumped to the nozzle above the coil and sprayed evenly on the outer surface of the condensing coil, forming a very thin water film. After the axial fan induced air, air from the top of the coil and the side of the fills go into the equipment inside. It enhanced air flow and the formation of negative pressure in the case, promote to lower water evaporation temperature and water film evaporation, strengthen the heat release of the coil. The high-temperature water enters from the upper of coils, and flows out form the lower of coils after cooled by the outside water.

The water is evaporated which removes the heat. Parts of it become the moist air is drawn also by the fan and is discharged to the atmosphere. The remaining water falls to the sump at the bottom of the unit where it si recirculated by the pump up through the water distribution system and back down over the coils.